Stinky feet: The adventure of BigFoot | DEVLOG #4

Kids, kids, please do not forget to add your if statement, or else your feet might not be washed… a weird, weird, weird, thing to say. But I am developing a weird game here. 

Also, we don't want to be washed, washing is bad for uss yees preciuossssm yesss. Yup, I watched Lord of the rings again… And Hobit, the whole package!

So, Hello there, my name is Strahinja and I am quite sure  I am an indie game developer!

Once in a while in any developer’s life comes that time when they face the music.

Code refactoring time.  But first:

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So for you who do not know what code refactoring is, it’s just moving one pile of crap to a different place so it looks a bit less crappy, I dare say better! Also if you do not refactor often you can find gems like this one...[Screenshot2]

It is not new and I do not why is it there but I ain’t touching it!

Luckily that has yet to come to pass!

Adding another enemy would be great I decided. Also, I would like to try out this skinning editor thingy in unity I decided!

I drew a firefighter in my favorite drawing tool, gimp. As I said in my previous devlog I LOVE OPEN SOURCE [Cheap image overlay from the last devlog]

Now to use the skinning editor you must export the gimp’s .xcf file to be a photoshop file. but not .psd one it must be .psb. Why I have no clue but this is how it works.

This could seem to be really daunting if you do not have photoshop. But it is not! 

You just change one letter, from PSD to PSB and you are ready to import it in your unity project. I won’t talk about how you actually do it there are literally millions of tutorials on how to use skinning editor and bone rigging, I suggest BRACKEYS [link in description image], yeah miss you guys, could you come back, please? PLEASE?!?!? COME ONE GUYS WE MISS YOU! I miss you I need you to read the documentation for me and tell me what is in there I can't do on my own.  I must say that unity documentation is awesome and well readable am just lazy

All this of course did not go without issues.

I added one firefighter and another one and it was fine but once I started adding up... wow. The performance drop WOW I was down from like 40 50 ish fps to 

5 to 8 in the editor. This is not my potato PC’s fault, OK?

There is this late update performance issue related to the skinning editor. at least for my version of unity.

But there is a fix ow boy was I happy just install these two plugins and all is well in the world. except... NO, IT IS God dam not!

My project won’t build now :) 

I must dig the docs, more and more and more.

Stack overflow, forums, youtube, random and dark places of the internet, Reddit I am looking at you!

I was about to override and overwrite the entire unity package like go in and create my own version fork and all just to solve this, and I found that I just need to downgrade one of the packages. I mean it was so anticlimactic… like If eagles flew Frodo to the Mordor anticlimactic...

Now all is well and good in the world.

And here we are, now our stinky feet have firefighters as enemies and they are trying to wash my big stinky feet! [Yeah i said that!]

After that I am back to level design it is tedious... but I kinda like it. it’s like drawing when I was a little kid. I hated drawing when I was a kid...

OK now back to business! As My stinky feet grew, there was this missing mechanic that became more and more obviously annoying…

It was in the pipeline, wooooohooooo a pipeline…. What a moron. So as I was saying it was in a pipeline for a while but I just was not ready to implement it.

Some sort of saving the game restart level lives, mechanic…

This is not the first time I am doing this persistence part, so I have a template ;) yeah, a template c# class, and I am just copying it in my project and commenting out things I do not need. I do not want to type the same thing twice, did I mention I am lazy? I won’t even comment out the things I do not need that lazy!

I also must add new menu items with continue where you left off logic. 

And that took like two minutes. Yeah!

I am that cool! I finish features within minutes. 

If you consider copy-paste of a button to be a feature :) 

And after that, I just reused foot sprite to implement some rudimentary life display logic and that is it. 

After that, I decided to organize myself a bit better, in order of tracking progress and planning.

Up until now, I was just using a single Trello board and it is an ok approach but it is hard for me to focus when I have this mess here it’s hard to focus on one or two things that I am working on and define the scope. So I decided to make more Trello boards! Best idea ever!!! So my other board looks something like this now.

Clean easy to focus, easy to decide what is in scope and what is not. As I am planning “Sprints” now... So you can expect me to be more productive unless SONY decides to release more games for free as they announced… in that case, I will probably play games… Just kidding I have quite a backlog of games to play but I simply do not have the time to do it… 

I guess since I am making games I am not gaming as much. And so I’ve been ranting for way too long and that should be it for now.

If you want to play the jam version of Stinky Feet Here is a link

I always forget to ask for your comments, so do comment here do you like my devlogs?  What do you think of the stinky feet game?  Would you like to try it?  You can follow me on Twitterand Instagram, I do not do Facebook as much, but you can follow my page and check out my other games. That’s it for now, bye!

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