I decided to spruce up Stinky feet (And Unity tried to stop me!)

A couple of months ago I created this game for a game jam.
It was fun people who saw it kinda liked it. And I was happy with it.  And now I wanted to edit it a bit and give it some eye candy, some story elements more levels.

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I mean I actually said to myself: "Done  it won't get better"

Ok well, let me prove myself wrong! 

Ok, this will take a while please stand by... 

I mean I need to go back to a commit from 4 months ago how else would I be able to show my progress if not building a "new " old version of the game recording it and playing it and comparing it directly with the new one :)

Now of course this happens:

I just love this shade of purple...

Now you can not imagine stuff like this, can you?
I just wanted to go back to a 4-month-old revision of my game and I did I even managed to record a video, no problems there. But going back to today is going to be a problem?

Things are moving.

For some reason, Unity did not want to go back to the latest commit but restored the one before last. This is better but still not the last revision.

Now after this I had more  issues:

And I was a bit lost. What do I do now?
I guess a restart would "fix" it?

And it did!

I am finally back at my last commit!

So Even if unity tried hard to prevent me from sharing my progress I managed.

Ok, so what did I actually change in my game?

I added 2d lights and shadows, implemented water movement, created normal maps for all assets to give some depth to graphic assets in the game. 
I also removed some levels as I consider them to be ugly!

And will create new levels soon.
I tried to edit a video of before and after to show what did it look like and what it looks like now. But I am having bad luck as I am working on a potato laptop with an ancient 4thgen i5 and tiny graphics card so I am not really able to record smooth gameplay.

Here are some screenshots instead:

Tell me what you think?

Do you like it, and why? Or why not?

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