I made this weird thing and there are people that actually liked it!

I joined this practice game jam and wanted to see if i can make a game in under 1 week. 

I found out that i can :) which i find really surprising as I do not consider myself to be a game dev. 

But apparently i am on my way :) 

So about the game jam and the game. 

I joined the jam hosted by  Angry smile and looked at the theme and it was bigfoot. 

How can i make a game on big foot, i know fairly little on the subject and it seems to mi like it is impossible.

I had this idiotic idea, I will make a game on a big foot

I mean it said big foot right? 

Like a detached, human foot. Yeah... 

Platformer was the next thing i wanted to do after Block Annihilator, (go check it out) so that is decided. 

And than i googled "ugly foot image" and got my self a reference 6 fingered foot started up gimp and draw this.

This like super-awesome ultra cool mega quality stuff here yeah:

What should it do? 

I guess as it is an ugly ass foot it should, stink? 

Yea let's make it stink. 

And i did. 

So what is next? 

Enemy's, i guess as my foot is really big, it must have cool enemy's, and what is cooler than firefighters? And soap yeah as water and soap are the greatest enemies of feet's awesomeness aura!

So i drew a fire truck, and some soap, and bubbles. Yeah and some shower heads, and few tiles for the world. 

Did some sound design, yeah all you can hear in the game is my voice.
All from scratch. 

Man i had fun doing this.

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So go play it, and tell me what are your opinions on it and maybe i will definitively continue developing it and make it even better!

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